
Customer satisfaction is a top priority at MONOLISA. If you are not satisfied with your online purchase send a return request email within 5 business days from the delivery of your initial purchase. Returns must be shipped within 3 days after the return email notification. Returned items are required to be in their original condition and packaging for a full refund. Returns items shipped improperly, damaged or bent will not be refunded. At show purchases and final sale items are not eligible for returns.
For handbag returns, the bag can not be bent or folded in any manner. The package requirements include: shipping the piece in a large shipping box with packaging materials protecting the bag. Handbags returned without their original dust bag will incur a $20.00 fee deducted from their credit.
Returns will be refunded upon receipt of returned items. Please note that the original shipping charges incurred at the time of purchase and return process are non-refundable.