HEAD WEST Ferry Building - California 2020

Date: October 11, 2020 (Sunday) | Time: 11:00m-5:00pm
Stop by the MONOLISA booth to shop limited edition premium leather handbags, and shimmering jewelry designed with beautiful crystal elements at this fun event. The event is managed by HEAD WEST - a local marketplace. The San Francisco Ferry building is an historic landmark. This venue is a local gathering of farmers, artisan producers, and independently owned and operated small businesses and the customers they serve. It is community of like-minded people that support their mission and key goals. The entire outdoor venue is kid + pet friendly.
- Face Coverings/Masks Required within the Marketplace
- 6ft Physical Distancing Enforced
- 10ft Booth Distancing for Additional Shopping Space
- Marketplace Security + Staffing Present to Enforce
- Hand Washing/Sanitizing Stations Available
- Individual Booth Hand Sanitizing to Engaging w/ Product
- Give Air-Hugs + Stay Safe!
Location: 1 Ferry Building in San Francisco, California. Artisan booths are in the back Plaza of the Ferry Building, which sits under and allows beautiful sight-lines of the Oakland-Bay Bridge. MONOLISA booth is 33.