HEAD WEST at The Barlow in Sebastopol - April 2021

Date: April 10, 2021 (Saturday) | Time: 11:00m-5:00pm
Stop by the MONOLISA booth to shop limited edition premium leather handbags, bag accessories and shimmering jewelry designed with beautiful crystal elements. HEAD WEST | a local marketplace in partnership with The Barlow in Sebastopol, CA. Makers + Merchants including makers, crafters, designers, artists, small brands, local shops, speciality service providers and local charities/non-profit organizations. The Barlow is an outdoor, open-air environment where Sonoma County’s best chefs, vintners and artisans work side-by-side to create local products and experiences found only here. It is home to a passionate community of over 30 makers and merchants in Sebastopol, California. The entire outdoor venue is kid + pet friendly. HEAD WEST will take place along McKinley Street between California Sister + Morris Street.
Restrooms will be available for all.
SAFETY/HEALTH + IMPLEMENTATIONS:- Face Coverings/Masks Required within the Marketplace
- 6ft Physical Distancing Enforced
- 10ft Booth Distancing for Additional Shopping Space
- Marketplace Security + Staffing Present to Enforce
- Hand Washing/Sanitizing Stations Available
- Individual Booth Hand Sanitizing to Engaging w/ Product
- Give Air-Hugs + Stay Safe!
Location: 6770 MCKINLEY ST, SEBASTOPOL, CA 95472. MONOLISA Booth 57