10 Facts About Gold Filled Jewelry
Posted by Lisa Ramos on

When shopping for beautiful gold jewelry, gold filled jewelry is one option. People find gold filled jewelry a great alternative to higher grade gold designs. Consumers appreciate gold filled material, because of its affordability, durability and hypo-allergnic properties. There are many gold filled metal jewelry designs on the market and it can be unclear what the gold filled material actual is. In this blog article I am taking readers through a quick look at some facts about gold filled metals to help better understand the mystery behind this material. Let's take a look at the metals history, where it comes from and some interesting facts about the metal.

- Who discovered gold filled metals? In 1817, an Englishman John Turner patented his discovery of the gold filled wire and sheet metal technique.
- How is gold filled metal made? Gold filled metal is a bonded layer of real gold onto a base metal, usually brass. The mechanical bonding process is a combination of heat and pressure. This process is also known as "Gold Bonded" or "Rolled Gold".
- How much gold is in gold filled jewelry? By law gold filled jewelry must contain 5% gold or 1/20th gold by weight.
- Does gold filled jewelry tarnish? Gold filled metals are tarnish resistant and will not change color unless the metal is exposed to extreme sulfides.
- Does gold filled jewelry look like higher graded gold? Yes, it does. Gold filled jewelry has the same appearance as high carat gold.
- How long can gold filled jewelry last? Gold filled jewelry can last a long time if it is properly cared for. You can get gold filled jewelry wet and it will last 10-30 years.
- What damages gold filled metal jewelry? Gold filled jewelry can't be exposed to chemicals or it will get damaged. Examples of harsh chemicals include bleach and chlorine.
- Is all gold filled metals stamped on jewelry pieces? No. Not all gold filled jewelry is stamped. If if is stamped the markings will include karat number and the letters "GF".
- Where are gold filled metals produced? Most of the gold filled metals are produced in the USA. Other countries that produce gold filled metals include Italy and China.
- How much better are gold filled metals vs plated metals? Gold filled metals are hundred times better than plated gold.