A Day in the Life - Handbag & Jewelry Designer — independent artist

Step into My Studio Where the Creations Happen - Year 2024

Posted by Lisa Ramos on

This year's studio updates centered around adding art, setting up an industrial machine and creating a more comfortable space to accommodate my ongoing physical pain. In this blog article I am excited to share with readers those changes. So, lets take a look...  

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Artist Life - 3 Essentials to Help with Sales At An Art Show

Posted by Lisa Ramos on

Today, there are a few essentials that continue helping me at art shows and deliver a more positive customer shopping experience I am sharing with the readers. In this blog article I am discussing the three tips that can help increase sales, maintain happy customers and make an artist's life a lot easier.  So, let's do a quick review of what has helped me. 

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Working Around Chronic Pain - 10 Tips

Posted by Lisa Ramos on

In this blog article I am sharing some tips that help me manage my foot, lower back and hip pain. Although it doesn't cure my pain it certainly helps me live a much more comfortable life. I am hoping my tips can help others.

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