Facts About Spinel Gemstones

Posted by Lisa Ramos on

Spinel Argentium Silver Textured Ring By Artist Lisa Ramos | MONOLISA Jewelry Designs | From Blog Article Facts About Spinel Gemstones

If you are not familiar with spinel gemstones you are not alone. When I first started hand making jewelry I too was unfamiliar with spinel gemstones. Through researching and satisfying my curiosity I discovered some interesting facts about the spinel gemstone. The more I started learning and exploring the array of colorful spinel gems I was hooked. Not before long I started using the durable stones in my one of kind MONOLISA Ring Collection. This month I am sharing with readers the history behind the stone, its meaning, the stone formation, the beautiful gem color options and some interesting gemstone facts. Let's take a look at this cool gemstone.


Where was The First Spinel Gemstone Found?

Spinel gemstones date back to the 100 B.C. found in Buddhist tombs in Kabul Afghanistan.

How is a Spinel Gemstone Formed?

A spinel gemstone forms when impure limestone is altered by pressure and heat. A spinel is a magnesium aluminum oxide. 

What are the Color Options of a Spinel?

Spinels are allochromatic gemstones. Their color comes from the presence of trace elements acting as chromophores - an atom or group whose presence is responsible for the color of a compound. The spinel gemstone is known for its red hue color. However, spinels come in a variety of strong to deep color shades. The colors include blue, brown, black, green, lavender, red and violet. Although there are colorless spinel gems they are extremely rare. Some spinels can have a cat's eye and star stone effect.

4mm Spinel Argentium Silver Ring By Artist Lisa Ramos | MONOLISA Jewelry Designs | From Blog Article Facts About Spinel Gemstones

What is the meaning of a Spinel Gemstone?

According to a legend, it clarifies thoughts, stimulates creativity and emits a protective energy that connects its wearer to the center of the earth. Spinel gets its name from the spiky crystal structure from the Latin "spina" - means thorn. 

What is the Largest Spinel in the World?

The largest known spinel gemstone is the  Samarian Spinel. This gemstone beauty weighs 500 carats. 

Where Do Spinel Gemstones Come From?

The majority of spinel gemstones are found in Myanmar and Sri Lanka. Spinels are also mined in Tanzania and Tajikistan.

Is a Spinel a Precious Gemstone?

No, a spinel gemstone is not a precious gemstone.  The only precious gemstones include diamond, ruby, sapphire and emerald. 

Spinel Argentium Silver Textured Ring By Artist Lisa Ramos | MONOLISA Jewelry Designs | From Blog Article Facts About Spinel Gemstones

What Birthstone Month is Spinel?

Spinel is one of the modern birthstones for the month of August. 

How Strong is a Spinel?

Spinels are also known for their resistance to scratches. A spinel is considered a strong gemstone. It is a 8 on the mohs scale. The Mohs Scale measures the hardness of various minerals from 1 through 10 - one being the softest and ten the hardest. The scale measures all the different minerals based on the Mohs Scale

What is the Price Range of Spinel Gemstone?

How much a spinel costs depends on the quality, carat size and color of the stone. Spinels start at per carat $300 - $3,000. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA)  classifies spinels as Type II clarity gemstones -  meaning usually included. Spinels are rarer than diamonds and finding them beyond a 5 carat size is rare. 

Jewelry Designer Lisa Ramos - MONOLISA Collection Handmade in California
This blog post is written by California Jewelry Designer, Lisa Ramos
A member of the IGS- International Gem Society. 

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